Treatment for Hypothyroid

What is Hypothyroid?

Having weight gain? Feeling Lethargy? have hair fall? You might be suffering from hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a condition of the thyroid gland where there is less production of the thyroid hormone T4. This article will explain what is Hypothyroidism? Causes of Hypothyroidism? and what is the best homeopathic treatment for Hypothyroidism.

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Hypothyroidism is a disease in which the thyroid is not producing enough thyroid (T4) hormone. This is also called underactive thyroid. The thyroid hormone is responsible for providing energy to all the organs of the body. It also regulates the heartbeats and digestive system.

Homeopathic Treatment for thyroid

Types of Hypothyroidism

  1. Primary Hypothyroidism
    The Thyroid gland fails to produce enough Thyroid Hormone
  2. Secondary Hypothyroidism
    The thyroid Gland is normal, but the Pituitary gland or the hypothalamus gland fails to stimulate the thyroid gland
  3. Congenital Hypothyroidism
    This is a congenital problem where the problem is noticed from birth.

Cause of Hypothyroidism

  1. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (Autoimmune hypothyroidism)
    Normally our immune system is designed to protect us from the attack of external agents like bacteria and viruses. However, due to some reason, the immune system gets faulty signals and it considers our own thyroid gland as a foreign body and starts attacking it. This causes inflammation in the thyroid gland. This is called autoimmune thyroiditis.
  2. Iodine Deficiency
    Iodine is required in the manufacturing of the thyroid hormone. However, if there is a deficiency of Iodine in the diet, it can cause iodine-deficient hypothyroidism
  3. Secondary Hypothyroidism
    Hypopituitarism, a tumor in the pituitary can cause hypothyroidism.

Signs and Symptoms of Hypothyroid

  • Lethargy
  • dry hair and skin
  • cold intolerance
  • hair loss,
  • difficulty concentrating, poor memory,
  • constipation,
  • mild weight gain with poor appetite
  • dyspnea
  • hoarse voice
  • muscle cramping
  • menorrhagia.

Cardinal features on examination include

  • Bradycardia,
  • Mild diastolic hypertension,
  • Prolongation of the relaxation phase of deep tendon reflexes, and
  • Cool peripheral extremities.

Prevalence of Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is more common in females than in Males. 1 in 8 females will have hypothyroidism


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Conventional Treatment for Hypothyroid

Conventional treatment for hypothyroid means supplying the Thyroid hormone externally. This means Prescribing levothyroxine tablets to be taken every day for the rest of your life.

Top 7 Homeopathic medicines for Hypothyroid

There are numerous Homeopathic medicines for Hypothyroid. However, these are the top 7 homeopathic medicines for Hypothyroid.

  • Belladonna
  • Bromium
  • Dulcamara
  • Iodum
  • Mercurius
  • Phytolacca
  • Rhus tox

These are just a few indicated homeopathic medicines for Hypothyroid. A piece of advice from a professional homeopathic doctor near you is always recommended to achieve the best homeopathic treatment for Hypothyroid.

Top 7 Homeopathic medicines for Hypothyroid

HomoeoCARE's Approach

Homeopathy at HomoeoCARE has a lot to offer Conventional treatment consists of a daily dose of thyroid hormone (thyroxin) for the rest of life. And as age increases so is the requirement of the TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone) and so does the size of tablets. There is absolutely no permanent treatment for it except surgery and removal of the overactive thyroid gland. Usually after surgery of the gland one becomes dependent on an external tablet for the rest of life.

We at HomoeoCARE go to the root cause of illness and treat the cause rather than the effect and hence patients have long-lasting effects.

Your own kitchen (thyroid gland) is not making food and you are bringing food from a restaurant (thyroid tablets) and how long will your body accept this outside food, sooner or later despite taking thyroxin patient does not feel better!!! This is the time when you have to look forth into your kitchen that what went wrong? Why hormones that were being synthesized previously are not being produced any longer!!! Our medicine stimulates the synthesis of hormones in your thyroid gland itself and hence you are not dependent on any medicines for a lifetime like any other normal human being.

At HomoeoCARE after starting with the treatment, investigations (T3, T4, TSH, USG, and antibody levels) are extensively done and monitored regularly for all thyroid patients and results speak for themselves.

Homoeopathy can conquer the self-destructing disease process and rescue the patient not only from thyroid disease but also other future illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, etc which follow such Autoimmune diseases by correcting the immune response

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HomoeoCARE's Success

Check out our successful cases for homeopathic treatment for Hypothyroid

  1. Primary Hypothyroidism - Case I
  2. Primary Hypothyroidism case II
  3. Primary Hypothyroidism - Case III
  4. Primary Hypothyroidism - Case IV
  5. Primary Hypothyroidism - Case V

At Homoeocare, we are convinced that the process of healing goes beyond dispensing medicine.  We nurture relationships.  We build partnerships with trust, sensitivity, care, and compassion.  In our Doctors, you will find true friends—ever willing to listen with empathy, to explain with patience, and to walk the extra mile for you.  With us, you will find a total support system, meticulously designed to ensure that treatment proceeds rapidly and heals completely.

Invite Homoeocare into your life. Gift yourself an abundant present and a promising future.  Return to pill-free life that must more rightfully be yours.

Why be dependent on medicines for a lifetime, Why not opt for homeopathy?

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  • How long the treatment would take?

    The recovery period differs from patient to patient. It depends on lots of factors such as the duration of the disease the patient is suffering from, how severe is the disease, whether there is a hereditary history of other family members suffering from similar thyroid disorder etc. Approximately, it takes 4 months to taper 25mgc of your Thyroxine tablets. So if you are taking Thyroxin tablets 50 mcg it takes approx 8-10 months to taper your thyroxine tablets and another 6 months to monitor your progress.

    If your AntiTPO is also raised then it might take a little longer to manage the auto-immune response.

  • Can it reoccur after being cured homoeopathically?

    No. In fact Homoeopathy is the only treatment method where once the disease is relieved then it does not recur back because homeopathy goes to the root cause and cures it.

  • Should I continue with my allopathic thyroid medicines?

    Initially, when we start the treatment with homeopathy we continue with your existing dose of Thyroid medicines, later on as improvement is seen we slowly taper off the thyroid medicines and then eventually stop it.

  • Which other allopathic medications I need to stop when taking homeopathic medicines like my diabetes medicines etc?

    No, you need not stop any other medicines unless we also treat you for the associated disease condition like Diabetes or Hypertension etc. It is not advisable to stop any other Allopathic medications which are being taken for chronic treatment. However during the course of treatment, when we see improvements in your disease we will advise you to taper those dosages under the guidance of your existing allopathic physicain.

  • How often should i need to check the thyroid status?

    Usually, it is recommended to check thyroid levels every month at the start of the treatment. Once your thyroid dosages are properly adjusted, then we advise you to check your Thyroid levels T3, T4 and TSH every 3 monhts.

  • What is the treatment schedule if I'm pregnant?

    Pregnancy does not change the treatment pattern. In fact, since many allopathic medicines are contraindicated in pregnancy it is advisable to go for homeopathic medicines and treatment during pregnancy for all kinds of illnesses.

  • What if am asymptomatic but investigations show thyroid disorder, do I need to start any medicine allopathic or homeopathic?

    Yes, you need to start treatment immediately. Whether you want to go for homeopathy or allopathy is your choice but homeopathy is more desirable because of better compliance and also more permanent relief.

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