Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney Stone

What is Kidney Stone?

Are you suffering from frequent Kidney stone problems?

Are you looking for a permanent solution for Kidney stone?

Do you want to avoid surgery for Kidney stone?

This article will explain everything about Kidney stone, how they are formed, what are the types of Kidney stone, what diet to follow to prevent the recurrence of Kidney stone and also the best homeopathic medicine for Kidney stone and the best homeopathic treatment for Kidney stone to avoid unnecessary surgery.

What is a Kidney Stone?

Kidney Stone are also called as Renal stones or renal calculi. They are formed due to  the hard deposits made from minerals and salts that the kidneys fail to excrete properly. Kidney Stones can vary in size.

They can vary from a tiny grain of sand to a big stone as large as up to 20 mm. Kidney Stones cause severe pain and discomfort in the abdomen and can lead to complications in the kidneys if left untreated. 

chat with HomoeoCARE for homeopathic treatment for Kidney stone

Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Stone

  • Pain: Pain is the most common symptom of Kidney Stones. The pain starts from the back (Loin) and radiates to the groin. The typical diagnostic symptom is pain from the loin to the Groin. It is a severe excruciating pain and the patient becomes very restless due to unbearable pain.
  • Difficulty in Urination (Dysuria): Kidney Stones sometimes obstruct the flow of urine, causing difficulty to pass urine or pain while passing urine (Dysuria). The colour of the urine can also change from yellow to red (hematuria – blood in urine). Sometimes the consistency also changes and the urine appears opaque and milky due to pus.
  • Nausea and Vomiting ;Because of the severity of the pain, it irritates the abdominal organs causing the sensation of nausea and vomiting. More the pain, more the vomiting.
  • Blood in Urine (Hematuria): As kidney stones move within the kidneys and ureter, they can irritate the lining, causing micro-abrasions that result in micro bleeding. This can manifest as red-coloured urine, and microscopic examination may reveal the presence of red blood cells in the urine.
  • Fever and Chills: If there is a secondary infection then the patient will also experience fever with chills. This is typically due to pus in the urine.

Signs and Symptoms of kidney stone

Types of Kidney Stones

Calcium stones are the most common type of kidney stones observed in patients
  • Calcium Stones: Calcium stones are the most common type of kidney stones observed in patients. They are composed of two types: calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate stones, making up 69.3% of all kidney stones.Uric Acid Stones

    Uric acid stones are a type of kidney stone formed due to high levels of uric acid in the urine.
  • Uric Acid Stones: Uric acid stones form due to high levels of uric acid in the urine. These stones are common in patients with gout or those who consume a high-protein diet, accounting for 14.9% of cases

    Struvite stones are a type of kidney stone, also known as infection stones, formed due to urinary tract infections. They are present in 14.9% of cases.
  • Struvite Stones: Struvite stones, also known as infection stones, form due to urinary tract infections. They are also present in 14.9% of cases

    Cystine stones are a type of kidney stone that are rare and occur in patients with a hereditary condition called cystinuria.
  • Cystine Stones: Cystine stones are rare and occur in patients with a hereditary condition called cystinuria. This condition causes the kidneys to excrete excessive amounts of certain amino acids, accounting for only 0.9% of cases.

Common Causes of Kidney Stones

causes of kidney stone


  1. Dehydration: When your fluid intake is Inadequate it causes kidneys to retain fluid and excrete less amount of urine. Due to this the urine becomes concentrated increasing the risk of stone formation.
  2. Dietary Factors: Consuming foods high in oxalate, sodium, or protein can contribute to the development of kidney stones.
  3. Family History: A strong family history of Kidney Stones increases the chances of developing Kidney Stone in a patient.
  4. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as hyperparathyroidism or urinary tract infections, can predispose to Kidney Stone formation in a susceptible patient.


Kidney stones form when certain minerals in the urine, such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid, become concentrated and bond together to form crystals. Sufficient fluid intake helps dilute these minerals in the urine, reducing the risk of stone formation. The main factors influencing the formation of kidney stones include urine pH, fluid intake, and the presence of specific chemicals in the urine.

Complications if Not Treated

If left untreated, Kidney Stones can lead to complications due to:

  • Obstruction: Large Kidney Stones may obstruct the proper flow of urine and can cause severe pain and kidney damage.
  • Infection: Kidney Stones can harbor bacteria and it increases the risk of urinary tract infections.
  • Kidney Damage: Prolonged obstruction or recurrent stone formation can damage the kidneys and impair their kidney functions.

Investigations for diagnosis of Kidney Stone

If you experience abdominal pain radiating from the back to the front of the abdomen, typically from the loin to the groin, it is highly likely to be due to kidney stones. In such cases, your doctor may recommend a plain X-ray or an ultrasound to detect the size, location, and any complications associated with the kidney stone. Additionally, to assess the extent of obstruction, the doctor may suggest an additional investigation called an intravenous pyelogram. Sometimes, a blood test to determine elevated levels of calcium and phosphorus may also be advised to determine the type of stone.

Conventional Approach

Conventional treatment for Kidney Stones includes pain management by painkillers, hydration therapy to flush out the stone, and, in some cases, surgical intervention to remove or break up large stones. Surgical intervention includes lithotripsy to break the big stone into small so that they can pass easily. Occasionally cystoscopy or ureteroscopy to remove obstructed stone.

You can explore non-surgical alternatives by opting for homeopathic treatment for kidney stones.

Preventive Steps

Follow these steps to reduce the risk of Kidney Stone formation.

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, especially water.
  • Maintain a balanced diet that is low in sodium, oxalate, and animal proteins.
  • Maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly.

Limit consumption of foods high in oxalate, such as spinach, nuts, and chocolate.

Diet to prevent kidney stones

Foods to avoid

Foods High in Oxalate:

  • Spinach
  • Beets
  • Nuts and Seeds (almonds, cashews, peanuts, sunflower seeds)
  • Soy Products (tofu, tempeh, edamame)
  • Chocolate and Cocoa

Foods High in Sodium:

  • Processed Meats (lunch meats, hot dogs, bacon, ham)
  • Canned Soups and Vegetables
  • Salty Snacks (potato chips, pretzels, popcorn)
  • Restaurant Meals
  • Seasonings (salt, soy sauce, etc.)

Foods High in Protein:

  • Meat (beef, poultry, pork)
  • Seafood (fish, shellfish)
  • Eggs
  • Dairy Products (milk, cheese, yoghurt)
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, peas)

Role of Calcium in the Management of Kidney Disease

Dietary calcium is very important in the management of Kidney Stones. Calcium should be taken in moderate quantities. The best is to take 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams of calcium daily from low-oxalate foods like milk, yoghurt, cheese, leafy green vegetables (except spinach), and calcium-fortified foods. Avoid artificial calcium supplements like calcium tablets but focus more on natural calcium supplements. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your daily eating.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines for Kidney Stone

It is always advisable to consult the best homeopathy doctor for kidney stone for effective management of Kidney Stone, here are the top 5 homeopathic medicines for Kidney Stone that we commonly recommend.

  1. Berberis vulgaris: Useful for renal colic with shooting pain radiating from the kidneys to the bladder.
  2. Lycopodium: Indicated for right-sided renal colic with bloating and gas.
  3. Cantharis: Helpful for intense burning pain during urination with frequent urging
  4. Sarsaparilla: Recommended for renal colic with pain extending from the kidneys to the bladder, often relieved by lying on the back.
  5. Apis mellifica: Effective for sharp, stinging pains in the kidneys with swelling and inflammation.
Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines for Kidney Stone

HomoeoCARE's Approach

At HomoeoCARE, we take a holistic approach to the homeopathic treatment of Kidney Stones, focusing on individualized care directed to each patient's specific symptoms and constitution. We have a 2-pronged approach for patients with Kidney Stones.

  1. To flush out already-formed stones.:Our homeopathic medicines for Kidney Stone act on the musculature of kidneys and ureters and produce contractions which help in pushing out the stone along the path of the ureter to the bladder and finally out via the urethra. We have numerous patients who have been successfully treated with homeopathy for Kidney Stones.
  2. Prevention of formation of Kidney Stone:Out homeopathic medicines balance the internal homeostasis of the body and help in a proper balance of minerals so that no new stones are found. Conventional medicines target the removal of stones, whereas homeopathic medicines for Kidney Stone target on prevention of the formation of stone.

By adopting a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of Kidney Stone formation and supports kidney health, homeopathy offers a safe and effective alternative for managing this common condition.

If you are looking for the best  homeopathic doctors for kidney stones near you, then HomoeoCARE is the best option. They even offer online homeopathic consultations for those who cannot access in-person treatment

Watch Video


  • Can homeopathy help in dissolving Kidney Stones?

    Kidney Stones can be dissolved, but they are thrown out of the body by contractions of the kidneys, ureter and bladder by homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines can help to relieve the pains and also prevent the recurrence of Kidney Stones by targeting the underlying causes.


  • Is surgery the only option for large Kidney Stones?

    Surgery may be sometimes necessary for large or obstructive Kidney Stones in the ureter and where the size of the stone is more than the size of the ureter. However, we have cases where large stones are being broken into small stones by the contractions of the kidneys and then they are eliminated via the urinary tract.


  • How long does homeopathic treatment take to show results?

    The duration of homeopathic treatment for Kidney Stones usually takes 4 to 6 months. However, many patients experience relief from symptoms within a few weeks of starting treatment. And the main focus is on preventing the recurrence of the Kidney Stone formation.

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