51 year old male, A.J, staying at Kalachowki was diagnosed as Rheumatoid arthritis since 2 years. He came to Homoeocare to get permanent relief from stiffness of joints. He did so many doctors in 2 years but got relief for time being followed by more intense pain and stiffness. When I saw his Rheumatoid Arthritis test done on 13 sept,2016 it was 662 and CRP was 17.5. He added stiffness was more in small joints and he could not bend his fingers. He was not able to give signature. Stiffness got worsen early morning. Since the complaint started he became pessimist. He was worried how he will run his business as he was not able to do his daily activities also. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune means immune system which normally protects body against diseases mistakenly attacks own body tissues, joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory arthritis. It causes a painful swelling around joint which eventually leads to bone erosion and deformity. When homeopathic treatment started for him he gave his first follow up after 15 days that stiffness of shoulder and hands reduced but stiffness of legs were still same as it was. This is what an homeopath wanted to treat disease from above downward for permanent relief. Gradually his pain and stiffness reduced and investigation were repeated after 3 months of homeopathic treatment which showed RA: 630 and CRP:9.75.
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